Our aim is to bring together leading scientists from different disciplines to discuss groundbreaking questions related to translational addiction research.
What We Are Activity Working To Achieve

To bring together the community of addiction researchers.

Identify gaps in our current knowledge related to drug dependence.

Determine most effective strategies in developing translational drug addiction research and treatments

Address gaps in the current state of funding for drug addiction research.

Discuss future directions in addiction research and our working group

Develop a T32 training grant in Addiction Neuroscience.

Promote the ICAN Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series.

Implement the Annual UCI Addiction Symposium.

Forge and develop strategies to implement collaborative research projects.

Formulate ways to enhance career opportunities for young investigators and scientists of underrepresented or minority groups.

To identify research strengths, most significant areas of synergy, and highest impact questions in drug abuse and addiction research for a P50 application.

To create key center-based activities that will establish a national and international reputation of drug abuse and addiction research at UCI.